Postpartum Hair Loss Again?  Why Postpartum Hair Shedding  Might Hit You Twice!

Postpartum Hair Loss Again? Why Postpartum Hair Shedding Might Hit You Twice!

"Your hair-loss will likely peak at around 4 months postpartum and then most women regain their normal hair growth by the child's first birthday."  

My very calm and caring OB said that with the straightest of faces. I held on to that like a promise.. the little voice in my head saying-- you just have to get to the first birthday and you are home-free girl! 

Right on time at 3 months postpartum the initial shedding began.

No easy feat, but I survived it ... or so I thought. 

The shedding had slowed down, the new hairs were growing... and then BAM, all of a sudden I'm losing chunks in the shower again, I'm seeing a small animal on my hairbrush after I brush, I'm leaving hair trails walking my oldest to kindergarten.

Is there a second wave to postpartum hair loss? Am I simply God's least favorite? 

Here's a few reasons why Postpartum Hair Loss might hit you TWICE! 



Increased hair shedding is actually quite common during breastfeeding due to the shared nutrients passed down from Mom to Baby (baby gets the best and Mom may or may not be left a bit deficient).

That said, when you stop breastfeeding your body stops producing so much prolactin and oxtocin.  This triggers a hormone change.  If there's one thing we know about hormone changes in the body.... it's that they loooove to trigger unfortunate symptoms.  

In this case the hormonal changes can impact your mood, sene of well-being, feelings of love, relaxation... and oh ya hair loss. 

For some, weaning causes other physical symptoms such as weight gain, and under-active thyroid.  If the second wave of hair loss persists beyond 3 months or any of the above symptoms for that matter, it is best to share with your doctor.


At one of your postpartum doctor visits, you will likely be asked or offered to start some form of contraceptive often the birth control pill

I cannot remember one time the side-effects of starting the pill were shared with me.  Its a somewhat sobering realization as I started it at such a young age.

That said, the hormonal form of birth control (this includes: oral pills, skin patches, inhections, and implants)- can cause HAIR LOSS. 

Progestin is the ingredient in these products that causes the fluctuation that causes the shedding. 

I'll re-iterate, any shift in hormones can cause a shedding.  So just like starting the pill can cause this, so can coming off the pill.  

Unfortunately there's no clear time-line on how long this shedding will occur. For many the shedding lasts about 4-8 weeks after stopping or starting birth-control methods.   For others, l hair growth doesn't seem to return to normal for 9-12 months.

3. Postpartum Dieting, Increased Stress, & Less Sleep

It's not uncommon for a postpartum mom to be watching their food intake and actively working to shed some lbs.  Many choose to wait until after they've finished breastfeeding, as to not impact or lessen supply.

While you may experience your initial hormonally triggered hair shedding a few months postpartum, keep in mind that any restrictive or significant change to your diet, stress, or ability to rest can trigger additional hair loss. 

A few to mention:

Calorie Restriction:  A diet with very low calories will deprive the hair follicles of energy, which can lead to hair loss and additional shedding.

Protein Restriction:  Hair needs amino acids to grow (these are the building blocks of protein). Without enough protein, hair growth rate may be impacted or simply become thin and brittle with increased fall-out. 

Nutrient Deficiencies:  Any diet that eliminates an entire food group can lead to a hair impacting deficiency.  Hair needs fatty acids, iron, zinc, and selenium for growth and health.

Stress: Bounce-back culture is real and it can lead to the pressure to achieve rapid weight loss.  This stress, can be a major contributor in a second round of shedding. 


While any of the above can trigger a second or even third dread-shed, it's important to keep in mind that there are preventive steps you can take to minimize the second wave.

Keeping up with protein, healthy fats, and folate sources can help. 

Supplementing with the Baby Blues Postpartum Hair Supplements can support hair to stay in the growth phase longer, as well as promote healthier & shinier strands by bridging nutritional gaps and deficiencies. 

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